Hubungi Business Consultant kami yang terpercaya untuk mendiskusikan pembelian unit HINO truk & bus yang Bapak/Ibu inginkan.
Kami menerima request order unit Hino dari bapak/ibu via telepon, e-mail dan dengan pertemuan langsung.
PT. HIBAINDO ARMADA MOTOR, authorized dealer the truck & the HINO make bus, served the sale of the truck unit & the HINO bus in a cash manner and leasing (credit).
Contact Business Consultant we that was believed to discuss the purchase of the HINO unit the truck & the bus that Sir/Ms wanted.
We received request order the Hino unit from the father/the mother via telephoned, the e-mail and with the direct meeting.
Terima kasih,
Best regards,
Fredi Golan
Business Consultant
Update: 07 Oktober 2008
HINO FG Series, Rp 395 Jt (off the road)
HINO FL 235 JN, Rp 515 Jt (off the road)
HINO FL 235 JW, Rp 520 Jt (off the road)
HINO FL 260 JT, Rp 585 Jt (off the road)
HINO FM 260 JD, Rp 590 Jt (ready stock, off the road)
HINO FM 320 P TH, Rp 745 Jt (off the road)
HINO SG 260 J, Rp 505 Jt (ready stock, off the road)
Truck Colt ( ready stock, sejenis truck colt diesel)
HINO DUTRO 130 HD, Rp 176,9 Jt (130 PS, 6 roda, special dump truck colt, harga off the road)
HINO DUTRO 130 MD, Rp 173,7 Jt (130 PS, 6 Roda, harga off the road)
HINO DUTRO 110 LD, Rp 169,9 Jt (110 PS, 6 roda, harga off the road)
HINO DUTRO 110 SD, Rp 160,5 Jt (110 PS, 4 roda, harga off the road)
Rencana kenaikan harga (hot gosip):
HINO FM 320 P TH, Rp 760 Jt (off the road, on Desember 2008)