PT. HIBAINDO ARMADA MOTOR adalah authorized dealer truk & bus merk HINO Euro II, menawarkan hino truk solusi jitu berinvestasi truk dan/ataupun bus untuk unit HINO yang baru (bukan bekas ataupun rent). HINO Euro II memiliki performa yang hebat, ekonomis konsumsi bahan bakar dan ekonomis maintenance-nya, dan panjang umurnya. Investasi di merk HINO Euro II unit baru tak kan rugi, yang ada hanyalah hino truk perburuan rupiah setiap harinya. Bapak/Ibu berilah kepercayaan kepada kami untuk menawarkan hino solusi berinvestasi ini.
PT. HIBAINDO ARMADA MOTOR was authorized dealer the truck & the make bus of HINO Euro Ii, offered hino the accurate solution truck invested the truck and/or the bus for the HINO unit that was new (not second-hand or rent). HINO Euro Ii had the great performance, economical consumption of the fuel and economical maintenance him, and Many Happy Returns him. Investment in the make of HINO Euro Ii the unit not will just be unfortunate, available only hino the hunting truck rupiah each day. Sir/Ms gave the belief in us to offer hino this investing solution.
Unit HINO dapat dikembangkan menjadi kendaraan yang memenuhi harapan para pelanggan. Adapun pengaplikasian pengembangan unit HINO adalah sebagai berikut: hino dump truck, hino petroleum tank truck, hino trailer truck, hino cargo truck, hino full box truck, hino load bak truk, hino crane truck, hino flatbed truck, hino fire fighter truck, hino dump excavator truck, hino arm roll truck, hino compactor truck, hino army truck, hino wing box truck dan banyak lagi hino bisa dikembangkan.
The HINO unit could be developed into the vehicle that filled hope of the customers. As for pengaplikasian the development of the HINO unit was as follows: hino dump truck, hino tank petroleum truck, hino the trailer truck, hino cargo truck, hino full box truck, hino load like the truck, hino crane truck, hino flatbed truck, hino fire fighter truck, hino dump excavator truck, hino arm roll truck, hino compactor truck, hino army truck, hino the wings box truck and many others hino could be developed.
Unit HINO telah menjadi impian para investor untuk berburu rupiah di tanah yang kaya raya alamnya. HINO siap dipacu kapanpun, dimanapun dan berapapun km-nya. HINO family " Panjang Umurnya "
The HINO unit became the dream of the investors to go hunting rupiah in the very rich land his nature. HINO was ready to be encouraged whenever, anywhere and how many km him. HINO family "Many Happy Returns him "
Kami menunggu request pemesanan unit hino dari Bapak/Ibu, hubungi hino business consultant terbaik kami yakni FREDI GOLAN di 021 - 71 009261 atau 0878 8078 2017.
We were waiting request the ordering of the unit hino from Sir/Ms, contacted hino business consultant best we namely FREDI Golan in 021 - 71 009261 or 0878 8078 2017.
Percayakanlah investasi Bapak/Ibui kepada kami, dan kami akan dengan senang hati dan ringan melaksanakan tugas ini. HINO bangga bersama Bapak/Ibu sekalian.
Entrust investment Sir/Ibui to us, and we would happily and light carried out this task. HINO proud together Sir/Ibu .
Belilah unit baru HINO Euro II, biar untung lebih meyakinkan, tidak habis waktu (time is money), biaya perawatan yang lebih efesien. Lalu mengapa harus membeli yang ga ada atau "rent" gitu lo ... jika kita mau sedikit meluangkan waktu untuk menghitung membandingkan biaya rent dengan biaya membeli baru dengan cara lease, hasilnya sangatlah terbukti lebih tepat membeli baru dengan cara lease (membeli unit baru dengan cara yang ringan).
Solusi Jitu berivestasi, kami sangat dapat membantu Bapak/Ibu untuk menghitung dan mencarikan leasing yang tepat dengan perusahaan bagi Bapak/Ibu yang membutuhkannya.
Buy the new unit of HINO Euro2, although the profit was more convincing, was not finished time (time Is money), the maintenance cost that more effecien. Then why must buy that ga was or "rent" that's it... if we wanted a little give time to count compared the cost rent at a cost of bought just by means of lease, results really were proven to be more exact bought just by means of lease (bought the new unit by means of that was minor). The Jitu solution investment, we could really help Sir/Ms to count and look for leasing that was exact with the company for Sir/Ms that needed him.
hino, hino, hino, hino, ..... hino "panjang umurnya" !!!
Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kerjasama Bapak/Ibu sebelum dan sesudahnya.
Thank you for attention and the co-operation Sir/Ms before and afterwards.
Hormat saya,
Telp. 021 - 71009261
HP 0878 8078 2017